backpacking through western europe itinerary
Popular InterRail Routes | InterRailing | Gap Year.
Feb 12, 2012. I wasn't able to figure out if there is a more general forum for Europe travel. are planning a 3-week backpacking trip through Europe this summer. .. Regarding flights within Western Europe I'd just pick the cheapest one.
Rough Itinerary - Lonely Planet travel forum.
Need help Planning Backpacking Trip through Western Europe.
Europe - Western Europe - exchange travel information, advice, hints and tips.. They are based on reading many, many itinerary posts, and provide an. Hey there, I'm planning a three month/thirteen week trip this fall through Italy, Spain, and France.. I would appreciate any and all advice for a first time backpacker!
Best Eurotrip backpacking routes? need help, please.? - Yahoo! Answers.
A 14-Day Tour of Europe | USA Today.
Need help Planning Backpacking Trip through Western Europe.
Maybe help me plan an itinerary? ï‚· Madrid - Palacio. If you had 90 days to travel throughout Europe where would you go? I need to know.